RB Gym


Breaking the body into 13 different muscle groups, learn how to target a muscle using variable forms of resistance including barbells, dumbbells, cables, and machines. We then customize your program based on your goals, age, injuries, and limitations.

Classic Bodybuilding/Bodysculpting

Learn classic bodybuilding movements from Mr. America along with some RB originals. Bodybuilding and bodysculpting are art forms, not just weightlifting. Targeting a muscle starts with biomechanics (good form) to enhance muscle shape. Appropriate resistance is then added to acquire the desired muscle size. Muscle targeting and control takes focus and practice.

RB Fast

Functional athletic strength training for sport-specific coaching in golf, tennis, basketball, hockey, football, baseball, snowboarding, and surfing. In addition, endurance coaching for runners, cyclists, and triathletes.